Thalang Road, Phuket Old Town


Some views taken in Thalang Road, this street connects Phuket Rd and Krabi Rd.

There are many shops and businesses that unfortunately tend to disappear with the arrival of shopping centres located on the outskirts of the city. These small businesses (sellers of fabrics or various objects) those that contribute to the charm of a district still exist but for how long...?
Nowadays, more and more coffee shops, small restaurants and even guest-houses are taking over.

It should also be noted that this street was part of the vast renovation programme, namely that all the horrible wiring on the facades of the houses was buried. The aesthetics of this street (and others) has completely changed by giving a much more pleasant look to the eye.

Thalang Road is located here... right in front with the colourful facades...

Every Sunday afternoon, from 4pm, Thalang Rd is transformed into a pedestrian street and the stalls rise one after the other in the middle of the street. 

Visitors from all walks of life, tourists and locals come in large numbers. For tourists, it is an opportunity to discover some local productions, for local Thai people, it is a bit like Sunday afternoon outing, just to stretch their legs.

This very beautiful old building, is a restaurant that offers excellent Thai cuisine.

Thalang Road,  Sunday, Walking Street time

On Sunday afternoons, the crowd is always there, and it is sometimes even difficult to find your way around...
You can click on this link to discover the atmosphere of Sunday evenings in the pedestrian street.
Thalang Road : Arriving at the end of Thalang Road, at the junction with Yowarad Road, this beautiful new coffee shop for which I really fell in love... quite the style I love.
The owners of this coffee-shop didn't keep this wall made of old radios... it's a pity, but I guess they had reasons ?
I kept these pictures of the place as I discovered it... because I thought it was a really nice place.

 Découverte de nouveaux établissements...

During my last visit to Thalang Road, I discovered some new establishments, like this coffee-shop whose name is "Aung Ku"... located at the corner of Thalang Rd and Soi Romanee...
Another coffee shop in Thalang Road, which I went to for a little foam... apparently the name of this establishment is "Buffer and Bohman Oldtown".
As you can see, the walls are very overloaded with floral decorations...
It's a very feminine decoration... current trend in Phuket ?
It is not unpleasant...
Thalang Road :  Another place in Thalang Road that is well worth a visit is the China Inn.

Thalang Road, night...

In the evenings and on weekdays, the streets of old Phuket are quiet.
Changing lighting illuminates some of the street facades, which is intended to give the neighbourhood a certain animation...
And then the Old Phuket festival which takes place once a year... making most of the streets into "Walking Streets", with many merchants, musicians, jugglers, magicians... and well of course, a very large crowd!

A glimpse of this celebration here: Phuket Town celebrates

  Thalang Road & Krabi Rd Non-Stop by Scooter...

The two streets, Thalang rd and Krabi rd are in the vicinity with an intersection on Yaowarad rd

 Phuket-Town, ghost town in 2020

The terrible pandemic period that hit the world affected Phuket of course... 
One day, I decided to walk around Phuket Town and bring back some pictures... the deserted streets, the shops without visitors, the deserted coffe-shops... what a sad memory...
Although I have been living in Phuket for many years, in the eyes of the shopkeepers I will always be a "farang", a tourist, especially with my camera... that day, the shopkeepers seeing me were surprised to see a foreigner walking around while no tourist was allowed to enter the country... 

The streets of the old town were not only deserted, but also impressively silent. No life, no excitement... just the sound of motorbikes or cars passing by...

On the following link, you can have an idea of the ghost town I visited one day... during the Covid_19 pandemic

On Google Map

The main streets of old Phuket are in yellow on this map....
Ranong RdRatsada RdPhang Nga RdThalang RdKrabi RdDibuk RdSoi RomaneePhuket Rd