Paraglading in Phuket

 One of the most beautiful places to fly...

Parapente paragliding phuket
General view of the splendid area of Naiharn/Promthep/Rawai = the southern tip of the island of PHUKET

 Paragliding in Naiharn

When you walk south of Rawai, from Promthep Point... you can see the wind turbine overlooking Naiharn Bay and Yanui Beach. You can see the wind turbine on this picture with Naiharn beach a little further away and Yanui Beach in the foreground.

Regularly, by good weather, one can attend at the end of the day these flights which take place in the calm, in the silence... 

It is from this place, at the windmill, that the amateurs of strong sensations take off.

Here are some photos of these acrobats of the sky who enjoy each of their outings.

From this little shelter, which is a fantastic place, you can enjoy an exceptional view of the two beaches below (Naiharn and Yanui) and watch the paragliders fly by just a few metres from your seat...
This place, close to the windmill, is very busy and often used for photo shoots... 
Here, a Chinese bride with all her family... 
We even can take some nice pictures...
This is to explain that this place is ideal for taking beautiful pictures, especially sunsets over Naiharn Bay... 
The take-off and landing strip 
Here, the beautiful Yanui beach which you can discover here: Yanui Beach
While paragliders glide through the air, canoeists have fun on the calm waters of the bay, while others celebrate on catamarans...
The road that can be seen here is the one leading to Cape Promthep which is just behind this hill...
You can visit my page about this great Cape: Promthep Cape Phuket

And there you have it... after a few passes at the cliff and above the nearby beaches, the feeling of freedom must have been really appreciated. 

Now it's time to put the equipment away...

For paragliding enthusiasts I am attaching a website which may give you some useful information:

 A risky sport nevertheless

A 78-year-old foreigner injured in parasailing accident at Rawai

PHUKET: A 78-year-old foreigner was seriously injured in a paragliding accident at a scenic spot in Rawai.
Rescue workers were informed of the incident at Khao Dang View Point, also known as Windmill Viewpoint, near Nai Harn Beach in Rawai.

Rescue workers from Rawai Municipality explained that a gust of wind blew away a 78-year-old foreigner while he was paragliding. His right arm was broken and he suffered injuries to his hip and left leg. He was taken to hospital for treatment.

The identity and nationality of the victim were not released. The report does not specify whether he was an expat or a tourist.

Signs are posted at the scene warning against paragliding in the area due to previous similar incidents.

Rawai Municipality staff had previously warned tourists not to paraglide there due to rules prohibiting the activity, however the municipality also reported that people refused to listen to the warnings. Many people and groups continue to do paragliding and other aerial activities in the area.The report does not specify whether a company was organising the paragliding activity or whether the individual had undertaken the activity alone or with friends.

Original article: Goongnang Suksawat / The Phuket Express

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