Nai Harn Beach, Rawai

  Naiharn, facing south...

This magnificent beach is located at the extreme "South" of Phuket Island.
Many beach restaurants are located there and it is very pleasant to spend a good time there.

For me... I would say that this beach is one of the most beautiful in Phuket.

The slope is very gentle: children can have hours of fun there.

The large lake next door is a great place for walkers, joggers or even cyclists who enjoy their favourite pastimes early in the morning or early evening, just before sunset.

  The Phuket Beach Map

Welcome to Naiharn Beach

An aerial view of Naiharn Bay... on the other side, Rawai Beach and opposite: Koh Bon and Coral Island.
naiharn beach rawai

Naiharn is a superb beach, very busy of course during the season.
670 meters long, its gentle slope is a paradise for children.

 2014: the big upheaval on Phuket's beaches

Until 2014, this large shaded area, slightly set back and higher than the beach, was occupied by a large number of restaurants. People (holiday tourists but also residents) liked to come and eat a Khaopad Khai or a Chicken Cashew Nuts with a good cold drink. 

At the beginning of 2014 everything changed radically. The army, newly in power, cleared all the illegal installations on all the beaches of Phuket, the sun loungers which, it must be said, were in excess on this magnificent beach of Naiharn. the restaurants, the masseuses, the various small vendors, in short... from one day to the next, Naiharn changed from a dream beach to a ghost beach... The new rulers had the major intention to put the country back in order but the restrictions were so severe that even the holiday tourists couldn't bring their own umbrella to protect their young children... imagine the laments of the Scandinavians for their children with such white and sensitive skin who couldn't protect themselves from the violent and dangerous sun of Phuket.

Myself, who liked to come from time to time to have a little local dish with this sea just in front of us as a dream scenery, I found these decisions very violent and the disappearance of these small restaurants had really saddened us.

Since then, time has gone by, years have passed... and going to Naiharn recently to take some new pictures, I was pleased to see the very progressive return, slowly but surely, of some restaurants on this so pleasant part of the land.

This aerial view shows the impressive number of umbrella loungers on Naiharn beach until 2014. Nowadays, strict regulations have been put in place and this number has been considerably reduced...

2020 : Slow and progessive return of some restaurants...

A glimpse of Naiharn beach from the small road leading to Ao Sane

Nothing like a gentle massage at the end of the day

 Naiharn Beach and around