Loy Kratong in Phuket

Loy Kratong is the magnificent festival celebrated every year on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month and is the perfect occasion to pay homage to the water goddess, a date that also marks the end of the monsoon season.
In a joyful and cheerful atmosphere, the Governor of Phuket and his wife joined the thousands of people who came to Saphan Hin.
Strangely enough, while the rain has been heavy and the sky dark for the last five days on Phuket, the clouds had dissipated for the time of this ceremony to let the moon light us with all its strength.
Excellent synchronization of nature, we could not dream better, for this event which is also called... the festival of lights.

All over the world, children are always amazed by the flame of a candle and it is always a pleasure to see their eyes shine

At this festival that the Thais love, the good mood is natural.

As if the evening had not been beautiful enough, a superb firework display brought this beautiful ceremony to a climax.