Ghostly Rawai

Covid in Rawai

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For many weeks, the barriers of access were present on most of the sites usually frequented in large numbers...
Access to the beaches was forbidden, as well as any place where people might gather...
Discovering these imposing barriers made us understand that we were no longer welcome and staying at home was finally the only solution.
Compared to other countries, we can consider ourselves lucky that we did not have to respect a confinement that was painful to live in without being able to leave our homes.

 Barriers everywhere in Rawai

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Even access to the Naiharn lake was prohibited.
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Here, the access to Naiharn beach...
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Access to Naiharn Lake
Access to the football pitch
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Access to the viewpoint of the wind turbine
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Access to Yanui beach
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Access to Promthep Cape
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Prompthep car park and shops completely deserted
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For those who want to bring back pictures of desert beaches... the opportunity was really too good!
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The small beach of Yanui on which a guard allowed me to take a few steps to take this picture...
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The beautiful beach of Naiharn completely deserted