Karting or Quad in Rawai

In Rawai, for those who love sensations...

Located on route 4028, from the Rond-Point de Chalong to Kata... the "Phuket Shooting Range" offers you a few karting tours.

Welcomed with a smile, you are entitled to all the explanations, prices etc...

But the first thing that struck me when I arrived here was cleanliness!

Absolutely impeccable: not a paper that hangs around, not an empty plastic bottle, I'm wondering if I'm not dreaming.

Everything is arranged, aligned, ordered with an exemplary cleanliness almost surgical....

Even the go-karts are clean and well maintained. No oil traces, no blackening

All edges, protective tires are in perfect condition for presentation... In the background... there's a tire that's a little crooked... it's messy...!!!

They provide you with a helmet and a protective cap... to keep the helmet clean!

The 10 minutes cost: 990 Bahts, or about 15 laps and I have a feeling that when you're behind the wheel to turn on this beautiful circuit as fast as we can... time must pass very quickly... and the 10 minutes must seem very short!

You are filmed before, during and after the race... I suppose you can buy the video....
unless it's offered? I didn't think to ask the question....

At the risk of repeating myself...
I must once again report the general state of cleanliness : It's Perfect!
For me, it's something I've never seen before here in Phuket....
I really didn't expect that.

On Google Map

Link to the website of this Establishment
