One morning in Rawai Beach

 Beginning of the Day in Rawai Beach


The best time of day here in Thailand is in the morning, early, just before sunrise.
The temperature is exceptionally pleasant and mild: 27 to 28°C

Urban traffic is almost non-existent, only a few "songtaews" who collect their schoolchildren in silence and barely awake.

I meet some foreigners on foot, probably coming out of a nightclub, some Thai people going to work... it's flat calm, it's an extra moment!

It is 6:30 am, the sea is beautiful and calm like the life that is slowly restarting in my back.

At dawn, the light is sensational. Mixes of pastels and contrasts with a rising tide, no waves, it looks like a lake.
The sun has not yet appeared.
It's the most beautiful moment of the day

Les longtail boats sont encore amarrés à la plage et vont reprendre d'ici peu leurs va et vient entre Rawai Beach et les îles voisines
Life begins slowly, small traders prepare their stalls
In a few hours, tourists will come to settle here, in the shade of a few pines.
The monks, on the other hand, began even before daybreak their daily rounds, in search of food
Traditional image of Thailand at the beginning of the day: it is the ritual of offering and prayer