Koh Bon

A few minutes from Rawai Beach

The nearest island to Rawai is called Koh Bon.

Located less than 2 km directly in front of Rawai-Beach, it is only 10 minutes by longtail boat, and for a very reasonable price.

These ten minutes make you change worlds.

Phuket is an island, so big (55km from north to south), that you end up not realizing that you are on an island.

In Koh Bon, on the other hand, it is a very small island on which it is very easy to spend a day in the sun (although I prefer to stay in the shade, it is so good there!)

This is the style of boat (called Long Tail Boat) that will take you to Koh Bon... 

On the Thai islands, there is always a small restaurant.
This one, is held by an English "Tawn" who welcomes you when you get off the boat.

A few deckchairs under the trees,
where you can have a cold drink served to you

Find a place to laze around after a few swims.... in a wild setting, away from concrete constructions.

...you will not be able to avoid attending the incessant parade of groups of Korean, Taiwanese, or Chinese tourists who come in large numbers.

When I arrived on this small island, there was a boat at rest, and I was almost alone despite the already late hour (11 hours).

A few minutes later, around noon, the "Speed-Boats" loaded with tourists came one after the other and I had a little fun taking some pictures of these people who come here mostly to take pictures of themselves, without really stopping or even swimming in it, and they barely leave their life jackets...

A rather amusing show with sometimes surprising clothing...

Groups follow one another for a quick Thai meal, generally included in the price of their excursion....

In the space of two hours... about 7 to 10 speed boats had to arrive... or more than 150 tourists...
And all this.... in the middle of the monsoon... what must it be like in February...

How to get to Koh Bon?....
It couldn't be easier.
You go to Rawai Beach, there, many long tail boats are ready to take you there.
The price is always a little debatable, but it is necessary to count about 600 to 800 baht the boat (A/R) about 15€.
The crossing...?
Ten minutes, no more for a distance of less than 2 kilometers

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