Central Festival 2 Phuket

The New Central Festival in Phuket in «Slideshow»

On September 10, 2018... the extension, the Central Festival of Phuket opened its doors.
It took a few years to achieve a great success! Ah, here, we don't do things halfway. The space is immense, the architecture is impressive, the decoration is magnificent and nothing has been left to chance.
I was a little worried that the parking areas would be as usual undersized, but it seems that for cars as for two-wheelers, everything has been well calculated:

Space for cars : 4200            Space for scooters: 4800

This series of photos gathered in the form of a slide show.... will give you an idea of the grandeur and beauty of the place. Although it is a shopping centre,... it can be said that it is a tourist site to visit with the family, and many foreign tourists visit it in great numbers.
On the ground floor, the food and catering section is abundant and well provided.... 
As for the shops on the upper floors (400 locations), there are still many locations that have not yet found buyers.
On the practical side, the designers have planned everything: even a footbridge linking the first Central Festival... so you can go from one centre to another in a few steps.

A beautiful place to visit....

  A Giant Worksite

  • Central Festival Phuket Pic1

This crossroads of Darasamut has undergone a complete and dazzling transformation in recent years. Twenty years ago, we crossed coconut and palm plantations here.

First of all, it was the realization of the underground passage that lasted several years and was an incredible project with many problems discovered during the work. At the time, we were wondering if this construction site would see the end of the tunnel....

Just completed, it is the Central Festival's turn to start an even bigger project and when it started in 2016... we were expecting something great. 

The months have passed, the deadlines have been more or less met... and the final result is absolutely superb. 
