

My 3rd day of stroll in Bali promises to be excellent and cool: big blue with excellent conditions.

Today, I want to make it easy for myself: direction Uluwatu, not too complicated to go there. After the previous day that made me come home at night and tired, with, to top it all off, a fine from the police for breaking the law (I braked a little late on a red light and found myself at a stop on the pedestrian crossing...) not enough to make it a cheese, but here, the cops like to pump foreigners... that's what I learned later on. In short, nothing to spoil my stay either....

So, as I said, I take the road towards Uluwatu and its impressive cliffs... about forty minutes of driving.

The small temple of Uluwatu is perched at the end of a vertiginous rocky promontory (about 70 metres above the sea). It's beautiful to see, it's idyllic!

The entrance fee paid ( 2€) you are given a sarong to wear, as well as a bag with small bananas (also to pay) for monkeys...

The site is very clean, of course and very quickly, I find myself on the edge of this cliff, a real balcony on the sea... the views are exceptional with this sea which comes to burst against the rocks.


Watching a lot of people since I arrived in Bali with a surfboard hanging on their motorbike, we can't miss it, it's obvious: we're in a surf country!

And then, when you see these waves, which are real ocean waves (nothing like those of Phuket), you can imagine that many young lovers of thrills and sliding don't have to be afraid to indulge their passion!

A few minutes to reach a site (a "surf spot") not far from the temple of Uluwatu... (I read somewhere that this "spot" would be one of the most beautiful in the world...) and here I am in another world, a world I'm not used to frequent: the one of surfers... enough to immediately make some old Beach Boys music turn in my head... it creates an atmosphere and it fits so well!
The sky is masterfully blue, there is practically no wind, at most a small breeze, the waves are magnificent... come on, let's go!

For me, who loves everything that is beautiful and impressive..... I am served, I enjoy myself, I am thrilled...

What a dream panorama!

This photo had been used
to decorate the front page of the Paris-Phuket....
(french local magazine that no longer exists)
Perched on the cliff, a small bar-restaurant with a beautiful terrace is the ideal place to take some pictures of the surfers.
My tripod is in place, my zoom is at full (300mm), ideal shutter speed, aperture on f13 and ISO set to 160....
All that remains is to click on a few photos of these surfers from all walks of life....

A few hundred meters away, this small beach discovered at random on my way back